Career Services
From internships to career assistance upon graduation, the Career Services Department is dedicated to coaching you in finding meaningful employment opportunities. Our Career Services advisors understand that no one is born knowing how to hunt for a job, and that’s why they’re here to help you with everything from resume and cover letter writing, practicing your interviewing techniques, enhancing job skills, and searching for the perfect position.
From internships to career assistance upon graduation, the Career Services Department is dedicated to coaching you in finding meaningful employment opportunities. Our Career Services advisors understand that no one is born knowing how to hunt for a job, and that’s why they’re here to help you with everything from resume and cover letter writing, practicing your interviewing techniques, enhancing job skills, and searching for the perfect position.
To get started, please contact:
Regina Pokidaylo
(718) 779- 1430, ext 4135
Genesis Munoz
(718) 779-1430, ext. 3360
Diane Ferrer
(718) 779-1430, ext. 3361